I think by now everyone knows that my family is my life……..and if you didn’t you do now! When I decided to start this blog it was only a passing thought, but when I started putting it together it all just fell into place. I enjoy writing about my family and what goes on in our lives to share with all of you. I am hoping by putting my real life stories out here for people to see that it will some how reach out to other mothers. To help them to know that they are not alone. Most Mothers at one point or another go through some of the similar situations that I write about. It can help to know that you are not the only one out there that has discovered you are raising monsters, instead of children! I know, some of you that just read that last sentence, are probably shocked! However I think sometimes its true our children do turn into little monsters. Let me give you an example.
We decided to go to our friend Eve and Ben’s to let the kids play. They absolutely love play dates with their kids. When we went it was a beautiful day, naturally we went outside when we got there and the kids went WILD. Ran around like perfect little kids do, played ball, Frisbee, rode bikes, and wrestled with the Daddy’s. Then they all played nicely on the swing set. It really was an enjoyable afternoon!
All good things must come to an end, and when we went in the house it ended. The kids needed refueling, after that they REALLY wanted to go up and play, yes in a completely different level of the house, not the play room. It was ssssoooo cute to see there puppy like faces with the big lip and the whining of “pretty please Mommy.” We decided to TRUST them, HA! A few minutes went by, all was good, loud kids, the normal. Next we heard a rather BIG CRASH….went to check on it and all we could see were pillows and blankets all over the stairs and a few Lego blocks! Us Mommy’s picked up the mess and gave a very stern warning to all the kids,”NO MORE THROWING!” Well that was a VERY dumb thing to do on our parts! No more then 5 seconds of Eve and I being downstairs, we hear something shatter on the stairs, yup that’s right Eves favorite snowman globe fell victim to the babies wrath! Poor mister snowman went for a trip over the stair railing and landed badly at the bottom of the steps. All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t put the snowman back together again!! At that moment I realized that I was raising little monsters instead of children! I was very embarrassed! I know that both of our kids took part in it, Abby, Mario and Carter told us that Gus, Luigi, and Sage all had a hand in the death of the snowman. I couldn’t tell you how many times I apologized to Eve and Ben, I felt just horrible! Thank God they are very understanding.
Some famous guy said:When children are doing nothing, they are doing mischief.
Henry Fielding
I hope you all got a good laugh outta this one, at the time I was sssooo not laughing…..looking back at it I do let out a little chuckle. More importantly I am just glad that it was an object and not a child that fell! I think Eve and I were both grateful for that!
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